Transformational counselling & workshops


Art can form a bridge amongst people. Creating together evokes a special atmosphere of friendship and sharing. The group comes together, inspiring each other whilst radiating waves of creative energy.
Each workshop is unique as each group is unique. Art offers a wealth of wellbeing benefits for charity groups, organisations, schools, corporate companies, private parties and special events.  

Therapeutic workshops

Examples of therapeutic arts workshops focused a emotional and mental wellbeing. All workshops are tailormade for the unique needs and interests of the group & organisation. 

Inner weather

Exploring the joys & challenges of our current life situation through painting our inner weather allows us to express and release pent up emotions whilst learning about ourselves with compassion.

Painting on silk

A wonderfully serene workshop based on the traditional technique of painting on Japanese silk. Drawing on inspiration from the beauty of the natural world, we trace their exquisite forms and paint with vibrant colours.

Spring growth

Discovering what wants to develop in us, through a medium of collage and painting. Using our imagination to expand our creative & personal potential beyond the boundaries of a cut out image.

Plants meditation

Through mindful drawing of plants, we develop the powers of observation & quietness of the mind. Released from the mind chatter, we stop, breathe & feel the inner silence, whilst rejuvenating our energy.


Rainbow in the ancient cultures symbolised a bridge to the heavens. In the wet-on-wet watercolour painting, we experience its harmonising effect of the entire colour spectrum. 


No matter how protected by their parents, children absorb subconsciously (young people more consciously) the atmosphere and the uprocessed emotions manifest in their behaviour.

Radiant Sun

Sun makes all life possible on this planet. Its warmth & light fill us with joy, optimism & confidence. When we feel depleted, in need of rejuvenation, painting the Sun ignites our radiance and hope for health regeneration.

Make a house

Creative play engages our senses and imagination. Cutting cardboard, decorating, making furniture with mixed media & materials, allows our inner child to come out and play, feeling delighted with the results.

Expressive type

Working creatively with letters and typography brings out joy and playfulness in children & adults. Using our design and illustrative skills, we mindfully give the characters new meaning and life.

Life’s landscapes

In this pastel drawing series, we visit significant landscapes of our lives. We draw strength & inspiration from those special moments and integrate them as our inner resources to face life’s challenges.

Clay Workshop

Moulding clay with our hands is intimate, quiet work. As if in deep mediation, we are guided by our hands’ intelligence to form & shape this smooth, natural material into a new creation.

Moving art

Imbuing art with movement allows us to get in touch with the wisdom of our body. Kinaesthetic form of art transforms aches & pains, releases tension & stagnant energy and adds fluidity to our life.

Destructive Arts

Anger, used creatively, is a powerful transformational tool. Letting anger rise up in an artistic process, releases tension and literally breaks painful emotions apart, detoxing our feelings and delivering us to a new horizon.

Finding courage

At times we experience fear, despair & helplessness, we call on the story of Michael defeating the dragon. Painting with autumnal colours invoke our inner fire & activate will power to face challenging times.

Beautiful grief

Painting butterflies on silk, fills us with reverence for the lives of people we have loved. We are reminded of life’s natural transitions and that art has the power to transform pain into exquisite beauty.

Interpersonal workshops

Suitable for group activities focused on improving communications, building friendships, deepening relationships, strengthening groups & teams and working on collaborative art projects.

Creative talk

A series of interactive drawings & paintings, in pairs or groups. It provides a way of attuning to your partner, taking a lead, being led, mirroring and co-creating exciting artwork whilst deepening communication & relationships.  

The River of Life

In this playful & experimental group painting, we explore various movements of the river whilst connecting to one another.  We’ve joined the same river of life and together we visualise its current & beauty.

Arty Party

On special occasions, the group can celebrate coming together with a collaborative piece of art, literally drawing & painting a party on a shared piece of canvas with vibrant colours, ribbons, disco ball, tea pots, cakes and all other goodies.


Inspired by the prehistoric cave hand prints, as an artistic & historic record of tribes living together. In carving & printing designs on a shared canvas, we celebrate contribution of each individual to their community.

Spirit of place

An artistic exploration of unique & distinctive features of the group’s venue or on a visit to a special place. Creating a record with photography, rubbing & drawing, completed with a joint collage & painting.

Nature Mandalas

Creating mandalas from collected natural materials & objects found in the location (a park or a beach). Celebrating unity, complementing and completing each other as part of the group with art & written words.

The tree of life

Established groups may explore their roots & acknowledge the growth in a form of a shared artwork. Mixed media allow everyone to contribute with their unique way, bound together with a joint purpose.

Lantern festival

When the nights are drawing in, various festivals around the world remind us of the victory of light over darkness. We create colourful painted and decoupaged lanterns, sharing stories and warmth with each other.


A storytelling creates a festive, cosy atmosphere as if sitting by a fire place. Being read to whilst creating Christmas decoration for a joint celebration, we reflect on the story and share our own.

Cultural workshops

Workshops with a focus on sharing a personal cultural heritage. Inspired by the Czech, Moravian and Slovakian art and craft techniques, the participants are invited to express their heritage and childhood memories.

Easter Eggs

A variety of traditional Czech techniques of decorating Easter eggs – such as painting, printing and wool wrapping. Using imagination to create own Egg designs inspired by personal interests or popular culture.  

Autumnal Village

In this workshop, we visit Czechoslovakian autumnal village (of the past) with its festivities & traditions, combining singing, story-telling and art & crafts. This evokes sharing of stories from other cultures.

Prague in Spring

We journey artistically through Prague, visiting quiet romantic quarters, iconic architectural jewels, admire its picturesque views & sail leisurely on Vltava whilst listening to a celebrated Czech composer.

Who is it for

Suitable for a wide range of organisations /companies & groups 

-Non-profit & charities
-Mental & emotional health organisations
-Practitioners & Counsellors
-Schools & youth groups
-Vulnerable adults groups
-Educational groups
-Private events 
-Community celebrations
-Indoor & Outdoor events

Projects & activities including : 

-Emotional & Mental wellbeing of the group
-Team wellbeing workshops 
-Team building workshops
-Creativity & problem solving 
-Mindfulness & relaxation 
-Group supervision
-Connection & getting to know each other
-Accompanying special events (e.g. a launch of a mural) 

So grateful that you could be part of the Harvest Festival: every time I looked round, your table was full and busy with both adults and children, so that was wonderful. The event attracted many contributions including the lovely "Cedarwood Farm" by Year 6 Cedarwood Primary School -one form of creativity inspires another!

Benefits of creating together


By working in a group, participants are overcoming loneliness, building relationships, bonding, sharing, learning from each other, gaining inspiration, enhancing verbal and visual communication.  In a group one can find the sense of self and gain respect for the other, strengthening the sense of one’s individual identity as part of a wider community. The warmth of a group can serve as a prevention or additional treatment for grief and depression. 


Creative energy thrives in group activities, one only has to visit a workshop to instantly feel inspired, elevated and energised. In a safe, non-judgmental creative space, art aids in finding one’s voices and individual expression. We share our artwork with others, being accepted, gaining a sense of achievement and self-esteem. Creative workshops can serve as a way of overcoming personal and artistic blocks in our life, giving us the energy and motivation to move on with our own life task/ project. 


Through active participation in the creative process, the participants inner ‘healing’ forces are activated. By creating beauty, we experience emotional & mental harmony. Art gives us a canvas for expressing ourselves in not-verbal, kinaesthetic way. Working with our body relieves tension and stress, it can be the perfect respite for anxiety. Through discovering new techniques, we cultivate new passions and interests, gaining the much needed sense of self-worth and belonging. 

Workshop pricing

All workshops require individual approach, depending on the nature of the group & organisation, size, technique, seasonal aspect etc.

Please call 075133 60935 to discuss your requirements and ideas. Alternatively, email me your proposal on or fill in the contact form to obtain a quote.

To discuss your requirements & obtain a quote

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