Awaken playfulness

Fun therapeutic arts workshop with creative experiment
Date: Sat 18th Jan 2025
Time: 2-4pm
Venue : Fox Yard Studio, 6, Stowmarket IP14 1AB
Price: Adults £45
Retired & Low income £35
Children £25
Awaken your inner artist series
As from January 2025, I have prepared for you a new series of workshops.
Awaken Your Inner Artist series focuses on nurturing creativity in your art and every-day life. You can come for the whole series or book one workshop at a time.
Awaken Your Inner Artist series focuses on nurturing creativity in your art and every-day life. You can come for the whole series or book one workshop at a time.
Whether you are new to art or an experienced artist, these workshops strengthen a deeper connection to the source of creativity within us and help us find a meaning in our art. These workshops are inspired by personal experience. I had been a blocked artist in the past and through discovering therapeutic arts, I found a new relationship with art & creativity. I realised that the I needed to shift my focus from the desired outcome to enjoying the process.
(You are welcome to read about my journey with art on my blog.)
(You are welcome to read about my journey with art on my blog.)

Awaken playfulness
Playfulness is a natural gift which children have in abundance. However, somehow through life we gradually lose the ability to play. At school and in life, we become afraid of making mistakes and we stop trying things out in fear of looking silly or getting it wrong.
The first workshop invites playfulness back into our lives. You’ll discover the joy of having fun through a series of interactive drawing and painting exercises, engaging in creative experiment.
Come and join our warm and welcoming group of adult and children artists, and draw inspiration from creating fun art together.
Children are welcome under adult supervision. This workshop is suitable for children 8+.

Accessibility and parking:
The studio is situated above the Fox Yard gallery in the Old Fox Yard just off the Ipswich Street. Unfortunately the studio is not accessible for wheelchair users, and the access to the workshop is via stairs only.
There is no parking at the venue, however you can park at a number of public car parks from £1 per two hours which are conveniently located within a short walking distance from the studio.
Any question, just ring me on 075133 60935 or drop me a message via the contact form.